Nezasa uses Google Analytics 4 to capture sessions, clicks, and pageviews for all TripBuilder instances that are created for customers.
Regarding Personal Identifiable Information (PII), considered as email addresses, personal mobile numbers, social security numbers, and other possibly identifying* user data, this isn't made available from Nezasa to Google Analytics. Nezasa uses Google Analytics to collect TripBuilder usage data and not personal information about our users.
In our current setup, we use two tools to send data to Google Analytics 4: Google Tag Manager (GTM) and a dataLayer (DL). There is no direct connection between Google Analytics 4 (the tool) and TripBuilder. Whenever a page in TripBuilder is loaded, both GTM and the DL are loaded as well. This feature exists to offer our customers that work with Google Analytics 4 an out-of-the-box analytics solution. As a company interested in developing our Product with the users' interests in mind, Nezasa also uses Google Analytics 4 to capture usage data.
(*) By the nature of the technology Google Analytics is based on, IP addresses are sent to, but not stored, by Google Analytics.
Data Collection
Regarding data collection, we collect the following events (actions made by users):
- Page views
- Clicks on links/buttons
- Sessions
These events are collected with our GTM in TripBuilder and are then sent to Google Analytics 4.
Additionally, we have the following data points within the dataLayer, that are made available to customers, and not Google itself (see more information on this article). No sensitive data is ever made available to the dataLayer. We follow two main guiding points:
- Only expose data that is known, visible, or retrievable by the user of the very page loaded.
- Never expose user-identifying data to the dataLayer.
This is the information made available (to Nezasa and customers) in the dataLayer:
- Company Reference ID
- Distribution Channel ID
- Template Reference ID
- Template Title
- Duration in Days (of the itinerary)
- Destination Country Code(s)
- Start and End dates
- Number of PAX (divided by adults and children)
- Total package sales price (Amount and Currency)
- Promotional Codes
- Home Departure/Arrival Airport(s)
- Destination Departure/Arrival Airport(s)
- User ID (anonymised alphanumeric code)
None of the data we collect to better understand TripBuilder usage is considered PII. From the list above, Nezasa only collects the following data points that are sent with the events previously mentioned: Company Reference ID, Distribution Channel ID, and User ID (anonymised alphanumeric code).
Besides this, we have changed some configurations in our own Google Analytics 4 to have more security in the data we collect:
- Our GA4 does not store IP addresses.
- Google Signals are turned off – Google Signals are used by Google to personalise ads for users using Google Analytics data.
- Data sharing options are off:
- Google products & services
- Benchmarking
- Technical support
- Account specialists
- No Google Ads account is linked to the property collecting data from TripBuilder.
For more information about the data collection and processing, you can check Section 6 of Nezasa Customer Terms of Service.
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