Checkout is the final stage of the itinerary planning process, where users are guided through a series of checkout steps in order to complete the booking. The steps depend on the underlying configuration of the checkout as well as the content of the itinerary.f
Checkout Steps
The checkout process is divided into several steps. Find out more about the different steps below.
Travellers Details |
Availability Check |
Booking Summary and Payment |
Booking |
Booking Confirmed |
Provide details on each of the travellers as well as contact and billing information. |
The system will check if all the planned products are still available to be booked. |
You will get a summary of the trip, the total amount to be paid, and the payment method to be used. |
Once confirmed, the booking will be processed. |
If the booking has been successful, you get a confirmation. |
Traveller Details
On the first part of the traveller details screen, you will be asked for the contact details:
Please use the main contact details in case the trip is for multiple travellers.
Use the checkbox Use the same address for billing to save time in case the billing party does not differ from the contact party.
On the second part of the traveller details screen, you will be asked for the contact details for each one of the travellers:
Save time and use the checkbox Passenger 1 as main contact to copy the contact person from above and use it also as 1st traveller.
Please note that you need to fill in additional fields here: Passport Number, Nationality, Place of Birth, and Gender.
Only if the rental car is booked:
In case a rental car is booked, the label DRIVER is shown next to the 1st traveller.
Therefore please add the main driver of the car as Traveler 1
Please note: These fields can be changed according to the White Label preference. It is possible to configure this step to gather the details of all travellers or only those of the main contact passenger. Each contact field name can be set as: required, optional or hidden. Further, for checkout fields that require the selection of a country from a list (e.g. country in contact and billing addresses, nationality, or passport issuing country), it is possible to highlight a short list of specific countries that will always appear in the list top with the most commonly selected values. Contact our support team for more details. |
Please note: A few nationalities - Puerto Rico, for example - are unavailable on TripBuilder. The rationale is to reduce errors from nationalities that all parties do not commonly recognise. Taking the previous example, Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States and, in many systems, is not considered an individual geography. Thus, Puerto Ricans are citizens of the United States. |
Availability Check
A re-availability check is performed during checkout to confirm availability and update prices on all travel components.
First, you will see the availability check running.
This step might take up to 30 seconds, so please be patient.
After the availability check has been completed, there are two different results which are further explained below:
Availability Check successful
Availability Check failed
The availability check has two possible results:
Availability Check successful
In case all products are still available, the availability check will show a confirmation, and you will be forwarded to the payment screen.
Availability Check failed
This screen will show the details of the planned travel products that are still available, those which are not, or those which the price has changed.
You now have two options:
- You can go back to the planner and replace the travel products that are unavailable anymore or for which the price has changed (recommended).
- You proceed to the checkout. In this case, the travel products that are no longer available will not be booked. When prices for some of the products have changed, the payment due will be modified to fit those changes (not recommended).
Information or Terms & Conditions for Activity Providers
These steps only occur if you add activities to your plan and the provider requires additional information.
Additional Information for Activity Provider
In case you added activities to your trip, you will be asked to provide the following information for each of the passengers:
Passenger Weight/s
Date/s of Birth
Passenger Height/s
Terms and conditions for Activity Provider
After you have provided additional details of the passengers for the activities, you will need to accept the specific terms of the activity.
Booking Summary and Payment
After the availability check, you will be forwarded to the third step out of five: Booking Summary and Payment. In this stage, the details of the trip and travellers are summarised, as well as all terms and conditions that must be accepted to proceed with the booking confirmation. Promo Codes shall be redeemed at this point to apply discounts on the itinerary.
Booking Summary
The first part of the Booking Summary and Payment page consists of:
a summary of the trip your planned,
the cost of the trip
the passenger data
Via Show Itinerary Details, you can see all details of the trip to run a final check.
Please carefully check all the information presented here, as some cannot be changed later (i.e. passenger data).
On the payment section, you can select the Payment Method, e.g. Credit Card
Please note:
Terms and Conditions
The last section presents the relevant disclaimers in order to book the trip. Please read them carefully before you accept them.
Online Payment
After you have accepted the terms and conditions, click on the Book and Pay Now Button.
If you selected Online payment, an additional step with a payment form will be prompted to secure the booking. The Payment Gateway is the one defined in Cockpit Settings.
- Enter the credit card number
- The name of the credit card holder
- Expiry Date and
At the end, hit the Pay button to finalise the payment.
Please Note: Marketplace customers are set to Payyo as one of our integrated Payment Gateway providers. Find more details about Payyo here. |
After you have confirmed the booking and submitted the payment, you will get to the fourth step out of five: Booking
Remember that this step might take up to 30 seconds since a package tour consists of several travel products, so all of them will be booked individually via the connected suppliers.
Booking Confirmation
After the booking has been made, you will get to the fifth and last step: Booking confirmation
Booking Confirmed
Once all the travel products have been successfully booked, you will get a booking confirmation (also sent via email).
Click on the provided link to view the booking confirmation on a separate page. Use the provided Itinerary ID to view all details of your booking in Customer Care.
Booking Failed
In very rare cases, a booking can fail even though it has passed the final availability check without problems. If this happens, your booking is aborted.
If you're using live supply, this might be one component or multiple components or could be an error on the supplier side. The potential impacts of a booking failure always need to be checked before re-booking. It could be that a non-refundable component was booked before the booking failure happened or that the status of your booking in customer care doesn't match the supplier anymore.
So if you receive the message below before attempting to re-book, please check with your suppliers and support team so they can understand the booking failure before trying to book again.
Once this has been verified, then please go back to the travel planner and adjust your itinerary to solve the problem.
Know more: Use your test environment to make a test booking to see how the checkout workflow functions. Find more details here. |
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