Learn how to show the Itinerary Proposal!
Steps to show the Itinerary Proposal
- Go to Customer Itineraries
- Search for the itinerary which should be edited
- Click on the three dots
- Click on Show Itinerary Proposal
By clicking on Show Itinerary Proposal, a summary of the itinerary, including the traveller's details, the tour operator's details and the selected itinerary details and services, will be displayed.
From here, you may also choose from one of our four different travel documentation layouts:
Condensed |
This is the standard layout. It displays the elements of the trip without any additional info, including some bars and lines to divide the various elements and the days of the trip. |
Condensed without grouping | It displays the elements of the trip without any additional information. |
With Descriptions | Descriptions are added to the elements of the trip if they have been added in the back end. |
With Descriptions and Photos | Descriptions and photos are added to the elements of the trip if they have been added in the back end. |
Another available option is to show or hide the total price of the itinerary.
Once the layout, including the price display, has been chosen, a PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the PDF Download option, in the upper right corner.
Know more: Check the following articles for additional information on documentation and layout options: |
Please note: As long as the booking process is not finalised, (i.e., the itinerary is not in Confirmed by Supplier status), the travel document will read Proposal, to distinguish it from a Confirmed booking. Once the booking has been confirmed, the document will read Travel Documentation. |
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