Learn how to update the status or cancel inventory products in customer care!
For all inventory components of type
- Accommodation
- Rental Car
- Transfer
- Activity (Stop & Transit)
- Base Service
- Upsell Item
It is possible to edit the components' booking status to
- None
- Open
- Booked
- On Request, or
- Cancelled
As well as the supplier and supplier confirmation number (based on the status). This is for manual management of offline components, i.e., components not directly booked from a third-party supplier, but added to an itinerary from the inventory.
This is done in Customer Care on the Services & Price List overview of the Itinerary, by clicking the pencil icon next to each inventory components' status.
It should be possible to edit an inventory component in any itinerary state. The only restrictions are:
- if the component has a reference to an external booking system, it cannot be changed;
- if the component affects allotments, only its booking status cannot be changed.
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