Itinerary Remarks allows an agent to add remarks to an itinerary it booking via the Agency Centre. If a remark has been added, a tag will appear on the itinerary card to let the user know remarks have been added to the booking. Any remarks made on an itinerary in the Agent Center will automatically be recorded on the travel documentation.
Steps to add Remarks to an Itinerary
Learn how to add itinerary remarks to itineraries via the Agency Centre!
- Go to Customer Itineraries - Agency Centre
- Search for the itinerary to which remarks should be added
- Click on the three dots
- Click on Itinerary Remarks
- When clicking Itinerary Remarks, a module opens, which allows entering the remark.
- Add the required remark and hit Save
- If a remark has been added, a tag will appear on the itinerary card to let the agent know remarks have been added to the itinerary.
- Any remarks made on an itinerary in the Agent Center will be recorded on the travel documentation.
Any remarks added to a booking from the Agency Centre will appear in Customer Care and vice versa.
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